
November 7th 2006

Another year - another update!! ;)

Updated Aaron Hightower's profile.

Updated My Profile!

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This site includes detailed information pages on selected games emulated by M.A.M.E. and/or Retrocade. Contributors to this site include Zwaxy, Q.T.Quazar, BeeJay, Gameboy9, Ian Sutton, The Larch, Neil Pearce, Ben Jos Walbeehm, Dith, Erling 1000, J.D. Lowe., Alex Weir & Mark Armstrong.

Here is a quick link to the list of all active gamepages.

Go to the MAME Games section for the M.A.M.E. games pages, or to
the Retrocade Games section for the games supported by Retrocade.

This is also the home of the MARP Gallery, which has player pics and
profiles of 43 of us who compete at The MAME Action Replay Page.

Please email me here with any comments, hints, tips, corrections or if you want to become a new addition to the gallery.

© Dean Ryan 1998-2005. Contact me if you want to use any of the text on this site. Please don't rip it off! (Note to arcade controller TV thingy ppl who are theiving gits!)

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